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SVT Robotics: Application Directory

Cultivating an extensive repository for SVT's client-base, the Robotics Application Directory offers an insightful platform for the study and exploration of various robotic technologies that can be deployed into warehouses. This directory serves as a comprehensive resource, providing valuable insights into automation use cases and high-caliber technologies. Discover an array of robotic innovations, each with the potential to address distinct business requirements.



Norfolk, VA









Unknown (private company)

Company size

Company size



The Sales team at SVT recognized the need for a streamlined and user-friendly system that would enable their clients to effortlessly browse, select, and explore a wide array of deployable robotics options. This initiative aimed to provide clients with a more personalized and efficient way to discover robotics solutions that align with their unique requirements and preferences.


Following the design process, I successfully crafted the initial iteration of the App Directory, which played a pivotal role in achieving the outcomes depicted below. Subsequently, after my departure from the company, the design team further refined the user experience through valuable iterative improvements driven by user feedback and rigorous testing. This refined version is exemplified in the image located above the challenge section.


Improved sales process


Increase in traffic


Assisted Captured Leads


Research & Analysis: I conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. I also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights

Information Architecture: Based on the research findings, I restructured the web-app's navigation and content, prioritizing features and information according to user needs.

Wireframing & Prototyping: I designed low-fidelity wireframes to visualize the new layout and navigation, iteratively refining them based on user feedback. Afterward, I built a high-fidelity, interactive prototype to test the design.

Usability Testing: I conducted usability tests with a diverse group of users to validate the design and identify areas for improvement. Based on the feedback, I made necessary adjustments to the design.

Visual Design & Style Guide: I developed a cohesive visual language, including color schemes, typography, and iconography, ensuring consistency throughout the app. We also created a style guide to maintain design consistency in future updates.

“ Kudos to Leon, it's a great start. ”

A.K. Schultz

CEO, Co-founder | SVT Robotics


Upon departing SVT Robotics, I left behind a well-established design framework, encompassing a resilient initial iteration of a design system, a comprehensive style guide, the integration of new technologies such as Miro and Figjam, and an improved Software Development Life Cycle that saw a notable 30% enhancement.

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© Leon Fomil 2023

Ready to Elevate Your Project?

Let's bring your design vision to life.

© Leon Fomil 2023